Frequently Asked Question


Frequently Asked Questions

1What are the requirements for registering a health facility?
Completing an application form, paying a registration fee, providing proof of ownership or lease agreement, submitting facility layout and design plans, and meeting minimum standards for infrastructure, equipment, and staff.
2What types of health facilities need to be registered?
All health facilities, including Hospitals, Clinics, Nursing homes, Diagnostic Centers, Laboratories, Pharmacies, etc. require registration.
3Who is responsible for registering a health facility?
The owner or operator of the health facility is typically responsible for registering the facility.
4How long does the registration process take?
The registration process typically spans one (1) month, depending on the completeness of the application.
5What is the cost of registering a health facility?
The cost varies depending on the type and class of facility, an initial application fee, a registration fee and subsequent annual registration renewal fee.
6What are the consequences of operating a health facility without registration?
Operating a health facility without registration can result in fines, penalties, legal action, sealing and potential harm to patients.
7Can I register a health facility online?
Yes, via the Edo State health facilities registration portal.
8How often do I need to renew my health facility registration?
Registration renewal is done annually.
9What are the minimum standards for health facility registration?
Minimum standards typically include requirements for infrastructure, equipment, staffing, adequate infection prevention and control measures and patient care.
10Can I appeal if my health facility registration application is denied?
Yes, there is usually an appeals process in place if a registration application is denied.


Frequently Asked Questions

1Can I start operating a Medical Laboratory Facility prior to registration with the appropriate regulatory bodies?
NO, contact the department on 09115798445 or visit the physical office to make enquiries and follow up for necessary guidance.
2Can a Non-Medical Laboratory Scientist own a Medical Laboratory?
Yes, But the non professional MUST partner with a 5 year post NYSC up to date Medical Laboratory Scientist to license and operate the facility.
3As a Medical Laboratory Scientist, Can I work at the facility part time when my license is covering a facility (partnership) with a Non-professional?
No, the professional must work full time in a partnership with a non professional in order to defend his/her license (source: MLSCN Guideline)
4How long does it take to register a Medical Laboratory Facility?
It depends on how early the proprietor can satisfy the minimum requirements needed to register a Medical Laboratory with a maximum timeline of one month (30 days) (Response to and collection of submitted application = 7 days, To schedule inspection visit to your facility if all required documents are available = 7 days, if there are no gaps identified at the facility during inspection visit then the processing of your facility registration will take 14 days).
5Can I employ a Science Laboratory Technologist (SLT) or Biochemist or a Microbiologist to operate my Medical Laboratory Facility?
No, You are only required to employ the services of a qualified and licensed Medical Laboratory professional.
6Do I need to register my Diagnostic center separately from the Medical Laboratory?
Registration can be done either ways, as a separate entity or as just a diagnostic center.
7As a registered facility, is my registration subject to any renewal?
All registered Facilities are subject to annual renewal with penalty implication if payment exceeds the first quarter of the prevailing year.
8Does the Ministry team visit Medical laboratories for inspection/monitoring exercises?
Yes, A team from the Ministry of Health conducts inspection and monitoring visits to facilities within the State which could be scheduled or unscheduled.
9Which regulatory bodies do I have to register with, to operate a Medical Laboratory facility?
1. The Ministry of Health (MOH)
2. The Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria (MLSCN)
10When am I qualified to own and operate a Private Medical Laboratory as a Medical Laboratory Scientist?
Five years post-NYSC
11Am I qualified to own and operate a Private Medical Laboratory as a Medical Laboratory Technician?
Yes, But you must partner with a 5 year post NYSC up to date Medical Laboratory Scientist to license and operate the facility while you work in line with your scope of practice.
12Which other stakeholders does the ministry of health collaborate with to regulate private medical laboratories?
Guild of Medical Laboratory Directors (GUILD), Association of Medical Laboratory Scientist of Nigeria (AMLSN)


Frequently Asked Questions

1What types of health facilities need to be registered?
All types of health facilities, including nursing homes, maternity homes, nursing & maternity homes, hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centres, and other healthcare service providers, need to be registered to operate legally.
2What documents are required for the registration process?
Required documents typically include proof of identity and address of the owner, 3 years EDSG income tax clearance certificate, CAC certificate, facility layout plan, staff qualifications and valid licenses, equipment list, letter of clearance from AGPNP & NANNM and a compliance certificate with health regulations.
3How do I apply for registration?
Applications can usually be submitted online through the health department's website or in person at the office of the Honorable Commissioner for Health. Detailed instructions and forms are provided on the official website.
4What are the fees associated with health facility registration?
Application and Registration fees are the same for all categories of private health facilities under the nursing division. However, the renewal fee varies. The application fee costs fifteen thousand naira (N15,000), while the registration fee costs fifty thousand naira (N50,000).
5How long does the registration process take?
The registration process typically takes 30 to 60 days, depending on the completeness of the application & submission of all relevant documents; and the time required for inspection and verification by the SMoH.
6What standards and regulations must my facility meet to be registered?
Facilities must comply with SMoH and safety regulations, which include building standards, sanitation, staff qualifications, equipment standards, and IPC protocols.
7Can I operate my health facility while my registration is pending?
No, you must wait until the registration process is complete and you have received official approval from the State Ministry of Health before commencing operations.
8What should I do if my registration application is denied?
If your application is denied, you will receive a detailed explanation for the denial. You can address the issues and reapply, or you may appeal the decision if you believe it was unjust.
9How often do I need to renew my registration?
Registration renewal is required annually on or before the end of the first quarter (Q1) irrespective of the month/ year of registration. Payment after Q1 attracts a penalty. Renewal fee varies for facility type; the renewal fee of either Nursing or Maternity homes costs thirty-three-thousand-naira (N33,000), while forty thousand naira (N40,000) for Nursing & Maternity homes
10Who can I contact for assistance with the registration process?
You can contact the Department of Nursing Services or the designated registration office under the State Ministry of Health.


Frequently Asked Questions

1What are the requirements for registering a dental facility?
Completing an application form, paying a registration fee, providing proof of ownership or lease agreement, submitting facility layout and design plans, and meeting minimum standards for infrastructure, equipment, and staff.
2What types of dental facilities need to be registered?
All Dental facilities, including, dental clinic, dental Laboratories, require registration.
3Who is responsible for registering a dental facility?
The owner or operator of the dental facility is typically responsible for registering the facility.
4How long does the registration process take?
The registration process typically spans one (1) month, depending on the completeness of the application.
5What is the cost of registering a dental facility?
An initial application fee, a registration fee and subsequent annual registration renewal fee.
6What are the consequences of operating a dental facility without registration?
Operating a dental facility without registration can result in fines, penalties, legal action, sealing and potential harm to patients.
7Can I register a dental facility online?
Yes, via the Edo State health facilities registration portal.
8How often do I need to renew my dental facility registration?
Registration renewal is done annually.
9What are the minimum standards for dental facility registration?
Minimum standards typically include requirements for infrastructure, equipment, staffing, adequate infection prevention and control measures and patient care.
10Can I appeal if my dental facility registration application is denied?
Yes, there is usually an appeals process in place if a registration application is denied.


Frequently Asked Questions



Frequently Asked Questions

1What is the frequency of payment of IGR to MOH?
2Who can open a Patent Medicine Store?
An individual with at least SSCE
3What is the cost of annual renewal?
4Who should I contact when I want to open a Patent Medicine Store?
Pharmacy Council of Nigeria, Edo State office, Federal Secretariat, Aduwawa. You can also visit the MOH (Department of pharmaceutical Services) for information regarding opening of a PMS.
5What is the correct name of a shop where medicine is sold that is not a pharmacy?
Patent Medicine Shop (PMS)
6Can I pay IGR to Moh myself or I need to give the money to somebody?
You should pay the PMS IGR TO THE MOH by yourself, that way you can get the evidence of payment.
7What is the required size of a PMS?
15 square meters
8Can I open a PMS and a nursing or maternity home together?
No. PMS and nursing home are regulated differently.